La habilidad de los autores de virus para la “ingeniería social” sigue produciendo anécdotas graciosas. Me acaba de llegar este mensaje, acompañado por un attachment que, por supuesto, era un virus:
Subject: E-mail account disabling warning.
Dear user, the management of mailing system wants to let you know that,
Our main mailing server will be temporary unavaible for next two days, to continue receiving mail in these days you have to configure our free auto-forwarding service.
Further details can be obtained from attached file.
Have a good day,
The team
(Por si alguien necesitara la aclaración: en el “ team” no hay nadie más que yo.)
Actualización de las 12:
Me llegaron otros tres mensajes diferentes, así que es una serie. Seguramente le estará llegando a todo el mundo. Aquí van los nuevos mensajes:
Subject: Notify about your e-mail account utilization
Dear user of “” mailing system,
We warn you about some attacks on your e-mail account. Your computer may
contain viruses, in order to keep your computer and e-mail account safe, please, follow the instructions.Pay attention on attached file.
Best wishes,
The team
https://magicaweb.comSubject: E-mail account security warning
Dear user of e-mail server “”,
Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content)
outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe, follow the instructions.Pay attention on attached file.
The Management,
The team
https://magicaweb.comSubject: Warning about your e-mail account
Dear user of “” mailing system,
Your e-mail account will be disabled because of improper using in next
three days, if you are still wishing to use it, please, resign your
account information.Advanced details can be found in attached file.
The team
El algoritmo que genera la URL parece ser bastante estúpido. En las versiones que me llegan a otra dirección de email, cuyo dominio termina en, la “firma” aparece así:
The team
Wow, un team formado por un solo miembro. Debes estar orgulloso de que te consideren tan valioso 😀
Un saludo