- Escher: Metamorfosis I, II y III (Microsiervos). Una de las obras más conocidas de Escher, sus variantes, y links sorpresivos.
- Matrícula macabra (Microsiervos). Me hubiera encantado tenerla para mi sección “La patente del día”.
- Tiny animals on fingers (colección de fotos en Flickr). (Vía Cute Overload.)
- Creative Commons’s future (CC blog), by Lawrence Lessig. “The hardest thing about pushing the work of Creative Commons is the thought that in 15 years, it will be impossible to explain just why this work was important — either because the worst would have happened, and the technologies that have encouraged the explosion of creativity we see just now will have been re-controlled, or because the best would have happened, and the balance that we’re pushing for will have been achieved, in both practice and law.”
- Dibujos con letras (TamTam). En un post de febrero de 2006 la gente viene dejando montones de comentarios con arte ASCII.
- Colección de postales 2006 de participantes en el Coso de Ilustradores.